Search by property

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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Response text id" with value "Jika bersiul saat malam, nanti makhluk halus mendatangi kamu.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 19 results starting with #1.

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List of results

    • Don't leave the house at night  + (Jika keluar rumah saat malam, nanti kamu diculik makhluk halus.)
    • dont cut your nails at night  + (karena pada zaman dahulu tidak ada lampu saat malam hari)
    • girls don't be lazy  + (kata mama, anak perempuan jangan jadi pemalas nanti susah dapat jodoh)
    • Girls dont be lazy  + (kata mama, anak perempuan jangan jadi pemalas nanti susah dapat jodoh)
    • Tatarang tangguk  + (Keterbatasannya Pengetahuan Manusia, Hingga Menuntut Pribadi Tahu Diri.)
    • Don't sit on pillow, later it boils  + (Larangan ini untuk menasihati anak-anak agar tidak duduk di atas bantal, karena menghormati pemilik bantalnya yang menaruh kepala di sana.)
    • More Child More Fortune  + (Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tempus nibh a tempor scelerisque. Sed vitae ultrices diam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean congue nec turpis at consequat. Morbi luctus cursus neque, vel facilisis leo eleifend sed. Donec dapibus, odio ut ultricies tincidunt, risus odio commodo nunc, non blandit erat lacus porta risus. Pellentesque sed facilisis magna. Morbi dapibus sapien mauris, eget maximus neque tempor vel. Vivamus cursus urna tincidunt tortor ultricies, ullamcorper convallis est vestibulum. Phasellus imperdiet viverra purus, eu facilisis urna egestas id. Aliquam malesuada, augue a vehicula egestas, magna dolor maximus lorem, et tempus lacus sapien id lectus. Pellentesque rutrum auctor tempor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam condimentum dui et eros mollis, in finibus orci vestibulum. Mauris ac porta dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.)
    • Title test rest en  + (Lorem ipsum dolor site amet ID)
    • Littering  + (Membuang sampah sambarangan tu berbahaya, Membuang sampah sambarangan tu berbahaya, bisa membuat banjir, penyakit, dan yang lain. nah mulai situ lah kita tidak boleh membuang sampah sembarangan, karna tidak baik untuk lingkungan kita. Contoh, sampah plastik lama untuk terurai. bisa beribu ribu tahun baru terurai, nah kita bisa meminimalisir itu dengan memakai wadah atau kotak makanan atau minuman sendiri untuk belanja atau memakai tas dari rumah supaya tidak menggunakan tas plastikrumah supaya tidak menggunakan tas plastik)
    • waja sampai kaputing  + (pantang menyerah. menyelesaikan sesuatu sampai tuntas)
    • Just  + (Sabar saja supaya selamat)
    • sleep  + (sangat mengantuk, mau tidur)
    • test 321  + (test 321test 321test 321test 321)
    • test export wikithon2  + (test export wikithon2test export wikithon2test export wikithon2test export wikithon2test export wikithon2test export wikithon2test export wikithon2test export wikithon2test export wikithon2)
    • test export wikithon  + (test export wikithontest export wikithontest export wikithontest export wikithonvtest export wikithontest export wikithontest export wikithon)
    • test from developer  + (test from developer)
    • Wikithon Response Test  + (This is a test for response view. It shoulThis is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List.This is a test for response view. It should be not so long in Wikithon Response List. be not so long in Wikithon Response List.)
    • can't go home at dusk  + (zaman dulu pulang senja tidak diperbolehkan karena banyaknya mitos tentang hantu yang berkeliaran pada waktu tersebut dan bisa sakit)