Unused properties

From BASAkalimantanWiki

This page lists unused properties that are declared although no other page makes use of them. For a differentiated view, see the entire or wanted properties special pages.

List of properties

  1. Active wikithon shelf of type Text
  2. Active wikithon topic of type Text
  3. Affilation of type Text
  4. Alus madya form of type Text
  5. Alus mider form of type Text
  6. Alus singgih form of type Text
  7. Alus sor form of type Text
  8. Andap form of type Text
  9. Answer title of type Text
  10. Balinese definition of type Text
  11. Balinese equivalent of type Text
  12. Banjarese definition of type Text
  13. Bio image of type Text
  14. Bio pen name of type Text
  15. Biography example text ban of type Text
  16. Biography full name of type Text
  17. Biography image of type Text
  18. Biography link photo of type URL
  19. Biography pen name of type Text
  20. Biography photograph by of type Text
  21. Biography text of type Text
  22. Biography text ban of type Text
  23. Biography text en of type Text
  24. Biography text id of type Text
  25. Book author of type Text
  26. Book contributor of type Text
  27. Book illustrator of type Text
  28. Book name of type Text
  29. Book original text of type Text
  30. Book publication date of type Text
  31. Book publisher of type Text
  32. Book reference photo of type Text
  33. Book subject of type Text
  34. Book text of type Text
  35. Book text ban of type Text
  36. Book text id of type Text
  37. Book where to buy of type Text
  38. Buginese definition of type Text
  39. Buginese equivalent of type Text
  40. Comics event of type Text
  41. Comics name of type Text
  42. Comics person of type Text
  43. Comics reference of type Text
  44. Comics text of type Text
  45. Comics text ban of type Text
  46. Comics text id of type Text
  47. Comment author of type Text
  48. Comment text of type Text
  49. Competition of type Page No type was specified for this property (assuming type Page for now).
  50. Covid image of type Text