UNITE : One Hand One Tumbler Action

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UNITE : One Hand One Tumbler Action
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"One Hand One Tumbler Action

 Drinking water is a mandatory requirement that is fulfilled by the body every day. The body requires mineral water consumption of one to two and a half litres or equal to 6 to 8 glasses a day. However, besides this need, there is also the impact of pollution carried out by the community, one of which is the habit of consuming bottled drinking water.
 Why does this happen?
 Consuming bottled drinking water to this day is still the choice of everyday people because it is practical and easy to obtain. This phenomenon also occurs among young people, for example having a little coffee using a paper cup, and snacking on ice using a plastic cup. Anyway, a little thirst immediately contributes to plastic waste that takes thousands of years to decompose.
 The habit of living to eliminate plastic is not an easy thing but we can choose to live minimally plastic by instilling the habit of bringing a drinking tumblr on the move. In essence, habits can be present because of agreement. The One Hand One Tumblr movement comes as a solution to the agreement to use a drinking tumblr to reduce plastic waste for the preservation of our earth.
 The cultivation of this habit can start from young people who can certainly be mobilised through social media such as the add yours feature or add your reply on Instagram, cool campaigns using tumblr, and the provision of facilities and policies that can attract habits and make it easier for the community to use tumblr.
 The One Hand One Tumblr movement needs to be encouraged by providing facilities such as tap water that can be consumed directly by the public in public places such as schools, universities, shopping centres, and work environments. In addition, to attract people to use their own drinking bottles, beverage businesses can participate by, for example, giving discounts to customers who bring their own drinking bottles. This is also beneficial for businesses by saving capital on producing plastic drinking containers.
Let's Hold My Hand, Hold Our Sustainable Earth with the One Hand One Tumblr Deal!"

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