
From BASAkalimantanWiki
Revision as of 10:18, 10 February 2022 by Katya (talk | contribs)

BASAsulsel Wiki is part of the growing family of free, community-developed wikis under the "BASAibu Wiki" (mother-language wiki) umbrella. BASAibu Wiki is an outgrowth of BASAbali Wiki, a community-developed wiki with over 2.3 million users in Bali, Indonesia. As its name implies, BASAsulselWiki is for the South Sulawesi community of Indonesia, which includes Makassar and Gowa Regency. BASAsulsel Wiki functions in Makassarese, Buginese, Indonesian and English, underscoring the value of local, national and international languages.

The purpose of BASAsulsel Wiki is to empower the community to speak out about issues that impact their lives and their wellbeing on a welcoming, safe and inclusive space. The community also helps shape the platform itself so that they are co-producers -- not just consumers -- of the wiki, tailoring it to the needs of the community even as those needs evolve.

Any content cited from this wiki must acknowledge the authors (where authors are specified), BASAsulsel/BASAibu Wiki and also include a link to the article in which the content is found.

At the same time that the wiki encourages the community to participate in civic issues, we encourage policymakers to listen to and consider public input. Policymakers serve as jury on our regular wikithons and are invited to ask for feedback on policies and practices via the wiki. We also work with teachers and parents to reinforce communication and public engagement skills while strengthening an ecosystem which fosters a culture of civic participation.

BASAsulsel Wiki is spearheaded by BASAbali Wiki, a collaboration of artists, advocates, students and scholars based in Bali, Indonesia and in Washington, DC in collaboration with Makassar International Writers Festival/Rumata Art Space based in Makassar.

We thank Fondation Botnar for generously supporting this initiative along with BASAbali Wiki. Fondation Botnar empowered us to empower others to more meaningfully have a voice in shaping a better future.

We also thank the following donors for supporting this wiki and our periodic wikithon competitions.

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Digital Ocean .jpg