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How To Deal With Plastic Waste (Bahasa Inggris) 3 ways to deal with waste that are most commonly used. Apart from these methods, of course there are still many ways to deal with waste. In Indonesia, we are more familiar with the term 'throwing rubbish into the river', which is not much different from throwing rubbish into the sea. However, plastic waste should be handled specifically. There are 3 principles in dealing with plastic waste, namely 3 R (reuse, reduce and recycle) reuse, reduce use and recycle. The most effective way to deal with plastic waste is to improve behavior. Frugal, simple and environmentally friendly behavior. Simple people will apply the principle of reuse, for example reusing used bottles and plastic. Frugal people will apply the reduce principle, for example reducing the use of plastic items. Meanwhile, people who love the environment will apply the recycling principle, namely throwing plastic waste into inorganic trash. This is the most effective way to deal with plastic waste. Everything will work if these 3 principles are accompanied by a conscious and caring attitude towards the environment. Apart from the behavioral level, the 3 principles above have also been applied in macro management. In several developed countries, using your own plastic bag when shopping is rewarded with a shopping discount. Apart from that, many waste processing factories with shredding and recycling machines have also been established. The heroes of waste recycling, namely "garbage collectors" (scavengers), should not be forgotten. It is thanks to scavengers that the recycling principle works more optimally.  +
The awareness of garbage disposal in the public is arguably low because based on observations and facts in the field there is still a lot of garbage that looks out of place, therefore the role of the government is necessary, one of them by providing facilities to dispose of garbage, because it is one of the ways to deal with the garbage that is scattered everywhere. Not only that, the consciousness of community needs to be built with the implementation of deliberation, socialization and education towards the community regarding the cleanliness of our environment.  +
There are various ways to deal with plastic waste. Some are recycled, some are destroyed using environmentally friendly methods, and some are disposed of in landfills that are not environmentally friendly. Dealing with plastic waste is indeed difficult. It takes a very long time to decompose plastic again. become an element of nature. To reduce the use of single-use plastic, we can start by bringing our own drinking bottles when traveling. This way, we don't need to buy drinking water in plastic bottles every time we feel thirsty. We can also start bringing cutlery such as spoons and forks from home so that we don't use single-use plastic spoons and forks. In addition, we can also bring our own shopping bags when shopping.  +
In this photo, you can see piles of plastic waste in the surrounding environment. Plastic, which is one of the most common types of waste, often ends up in places where it shouldn't be, such as beaches, rivers, and forests. The presence of plastic waste not only spoils the view, but also threatens the ecosystem and the health of living things. To reduce this problem, it is important for us to apply simple steps in our daily lives. One effective way to reduce plastic waste is to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. For example, we can bring cloth shopping bags when shopping, replace plastic bottles with reusable bottles, and choose products with minimal packaging. In addition, it is important to support recycling initiatives and pay attention to waste management in the surrounding environment. By making these small changes together, we can reduce the impact of plastic on the environment.  +
The way to deal with plastic waste is to use used plastic that has already been used, and bring your own food and drinks so as not to add to the plastic waste. Recycle plastic waste so that plastic that cannot be used anymore can be recycled into new and usable items, reducing buying food and drinks that use plastic.  +
Remind people around us to throw rubbish in the right place, but if we see people throwing rubbish carelessly, we have to reprimand them. Sorting waste according to its type, namely organic, inorganic and B3 waste  +
Reducing waste can be done through various approaches, one of which is by reducing waste production from the start. The first step is to apply the reduce principle, namely reducing the use of single-use items such as plastic. Practical examples are bringing your own shopping bags, using reusable food containers, and buying products in larger packaging or no packaging at all. Apart from that, people can also avoid products that have too much packaging and choose goods that are more durable. Apart from reducing, another important step is recycling. By sorting waste according to type, such as organic and inorganic waste, materials that can still be reused such as glass, paper and plastic can be reprocessed to produce new products. Communities can also be encouraged to utilize local waste banks or recycling points. Education about the importance of recycling and composting food waste is also an effective strategy for reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.  +
“Getting used to bringing your own cutlery” is one effective way to reduce plastic waste. This gives students the opportunity to choose without plastic packaging.  +
Bring a drinking bottle or tumbler, when you're thirsty the answer is you don't have to buy bottled drinking water, it's better to prepare drinking water from home by preparing a drinking bottle or tumbler  +
To reduce waste,you can use cloth shopping bags or tote bags, that cant be used several times.bring yours own eating and drinking utensils when going out of the house or to schol  +
Ways to reduce plastic waste are: Bring your own drinking bottle to reduce plastic waste from used drinking bottles and straws. Bring food from home to reduce plastic waste from food packaging. Avoid light foods such as snacks to reduce used plastic waste from snacks. and most importantly, throw rubbish in its place.  +
Ways to reduce plastic waste are: Bring your own drinking bottle to reduce plastic waste from used drinking bottles and straws. Bring food from home to reduce plastic waste from food packaging. Avoid light foods such as snacks to reduce used plastic waste from snacks. and most importantly, throw rubbish in its place.  +
Bring your own shopping bag, even though plastic bags are practical, this is what causes waste on earth to continue to be uncontrolled. Bring your own shopping bag when shopping or...  +
Plastic waste is a serious environmental problem and has a negative impact on environmental cleanliness. Therefore, serious and sustainable efforts are needed to reduce, recycle and dispose of plastic waste properly so that the environment can remain clean.    Plastic waste can be made into handicrafts such as shopping bags, room decorations, wallets, decorative lamps and baskets. The use of plastic in human life is increasing over time.  +
How do I reduce plastic waste? I always bring my own lunch so I can reduce paper or plastic waste and I also bring my own drinking bottle so I can reduce plastic bottle waste.I always throw rubbish in the rubbish bin so that it doesn't get dirty or pollute the environment and if there is a lot of it I always burn it because if I don't burn it it can pile up and smell and also...  +
Bagaimana cara kita mengurangi sampah plastik? dengan cara mengganti barang-barang plastik sekali pakai, seperti kantong plastik belanja, sedotan, dan botol. Manfaat membuang sampah ke tempat nya, yaitu: 1.Mengurangi kotornya lingkungan di sekeliling kita. 2.Menghindari muncul nya penyakit. 3.Dan menjaga sumber daya alam.  +
bring your own shopping bags Although plastic bags are practical, but This is what makes waste on the earth continue to pile up uncontrollably. Bring own shopping bag when shopping or traveling is the easiest way to contribute to reducing personal waste. Bring your own water bottle. What do you need when you're thirsty? Of course, drinking water. When you're thirsty, the answer is not to buy bottled water. It's better to prepare Drink water from home using a drinking bottle or tumbler. Apart from the form of If you care about the environment, bringing your own drinking bottle can also save money.  +
Membawa kantong belanja sendiri meskipun kanton plastik memang praktis, tapi hal ini lah yang membuat sampah pada bumi tarus bertumpuk tak terkendali  +
Cara saya mengurangi sampah plastik adalah tentang penting karena banyak plastik mengotori lingkungan,dapat beralih ke tas kain atau botol stainles buat mengurangi pengguna plastik sekali pakai  +
Sampah plastik merupakan salah satu masalah lingkungan. Produksi plastik yang berlebihan dan kurangnya pengelolaan limbah menyebabkan pencemaran di daratan dan lautan. Plastik sulit terurai, mengancam ekosistem, dan membahayakan kehidupan satwa. Solusi yang diperlukan meliputi pengurangan penggunaan plastik sekali pakai, peningkatan daur ulang, dan pendidikan masyarakat tentang pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan.  +