Reduce Plastic Waste for a Quality Life

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Reduce Plastic Waste for a Quality Life
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"Did you know that plastic waste is evil? Don't you get bored every time you walk, drive, and even dive, you always encounter plastic waste!

 Plastic waste has become a very serious global problem for the whole world. This material that was originally thought to be practical and durable is actually a threat to the environment and our health.

 Therefore, let's start from the things that we think we can do for the environment, in order to reduce and even eliminate plastic waste including :

1. Start from yourself. Grow awareness to ourselves that the importance of protecting the environment is by not littering. Especially plastic waste which is difficult to decompose. But some people don't know or even underestimate the dangers of plastic waste.
2. Therefore, provide socialization or education to the community so that they know and understand how evil and dangerous plastic waste is for their lives. 
3. From the socialization, then we can take an action such as providing environmentally friendly trash bins or garbage sacks that are given free of charge per community house. These free bins or garbage sacks should be provided by the government, which can be channeled through the local village head or RT. Once a week, there will be an officer who picks up or transports the garbage.
4. Provide automated waste collection machines that can be exchanged for points or cash. This could be done to attract public interest or awareness.
5. For river areas, a warning board can be set up not to throw garbage, especially plastic, into the river with a fine for those who do. For monitoring, the government can install CCTV in places where people are usually prone to throwing garbage into the river. Since this may cost a lot of money, it could be done on the most severely affected rivers first.
6. Since some of the plastic waste is also from industrial manufacturers, the government should be able to make rules that emphasize reducing or even eliminating plastic packaging in food or beverage packages.
7. Organize community service or gotong royong per neighborhood, complex or region, routinely once a week on holidays to be able to jointly maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment.

 Addressing the problem of plastic waste requires a concerted effort from the government, industry and society. Each individual has an important role to play in reducing the production and impact of plastic waste. Let's start the change from ourselves by implementing more environmentally friendly living habits. 

The future of the earth is in our hands. With real action and collective awareness, we can reduce the adverse effects of plastic waste and create a cleaner, healthier and higher quality environment for future generations."

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